my CV (in English)

(FR) Voici quelques éléments en anglais sur mon expérience professionnelle et associative / (EN) Please find hereunder a few element in English about my professional and non profit experience.


General secretary of the European parliament, directorate general for external relations of the EU, policy department, BRUSSELS (Belgium)

  • Redaction of several internal reports (country fact sheet, country briefing and regional briefing) both in English or French, about central Africa countries for DEVE and AFET European parliament committees. Close work with the election observation unit of the European parliament, DG EXPO and several officials from the European commission. I had also been working with Anna CAPRILE, Spanish administrator. Pekka HAKALA, former administrator and now head of unit of the policy department had been my supervisor and is my actual referee for any application within the EU institutions.
  • Intensive work with Cristian Preda, Romanian MEP, election observation unit of the European union to the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire’s chief observer, including his assistants.
  • Use of databases from the IMF, the world bank, the UN and several international organisations in order to write EP reports, mainly on economic and political situations of ACP (Afrique-Caraïbe- Pacifique) countries.
  • Use of the EIU(EconomistIntelligenceUnit), and “Globalinsight” reports for the economic and statistical part of reports.

    Urban and cultural free monthly magazine “Le Manufactureur”, LYON (France)

    • Creation and administration of a 10.000 copies magazine from 2005/2006 to 2008/2009,printed in colour in Barcelona (Spain). Active recruitment (stands – oral interventions within local universities – associative events participation) of approximately one hundred volunteers . Training, and management of a team composed of up to 14 members. Recruitment, training and management of a paid volunteer through the national student network “Animafac” during 9 months.
    • Commercial market research to private and public schools and universities, small and medium companies to finance the publication and the association activities (approximately 1500 Euros per issue and 8000 Euros per year). Market research for partnerships with private, public and non lucrative entities (LCL French bank, EM’Lyon business school, IGS management and human
    • Redaction coordination and management, and desktop-publishing. Creation and management of our website. QuarkXPress desktop publishing software, Photoshop, Joomla CMS.

Edition service of the French university “Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3”, LYON (France)

Edition and correction of master’s and PhD’s thesis. Desktop publishing. In july 2006 (summer internship of one month). Advanced functionalities of Word related to book edition and thesis edition. QuarkXPress.


Université Lumière Lyon 2 :

Maîtrise (master 1) en sciences humaines et sociales mention science politique, mention admis assez bien.

Cours suivis et matières étudiées : Fabrication des opinions et du jugement politique; analyse des politiques publiques; la communication politique (ENS SHS Lyon); entre influence et protestation, à qui profite l’Europe?; comment sont produites les opinions, nouvelles approches cognitives et psychologie évolutionniste; sociologie de l’action publique; anglais de spécialité; sociologie des langages du politique; politiques publiques; sociologie politique des mondes ruraux; l’investigation journalistique face aux pouvoirs (IEP de Lyon, science po Lyon); philosophie, sciences sociales et cinéma (IEP de Lyon, science po Lyon); séminaire de mémoire “l’européanisation des politiques publiques françaises à destination des personnes handicapées”; anglais de spécialité.

Licence en droit et science politique, mention science politique, mention admis passable.

Matières et sujets étudiés : droit humanitaire / humanitarian law, géopolitique du monde contemporain / geopolitics of contemporary world, histoire des systèmes internationaux / history of international systems, anglais / English, informatique /office software (word et excel), histoire politique moderne / modern political history, histoire de la pensée économique / history of the economics thoughts, les organisations internationales et le multilatéralisme / International organization and multilateralism, philosophie des relations internationales / International relation’s philosophy, histoire et anthropologie de la guerre / History and anthropology of war, histoire des relations internationales depuis l’antiquité à nos jours / International relations history, introduction à l’économie politique / introduction to political economy and economic policies, théorie des crises internationales / International crisis theory (in relation with the international crisis group or ICG), les médias comme acteurs des relations internationales, histoire et pratique de la diplomatie, histoire du droit pénal depuis le XIXème siècle, histoire des institutions, sociologie et théorie des relations internationales, le “sud” dans les relations internationales, Etudes stratégiques et polémologiques, histoire de la justice. espaces internationaux.