Tech Industry Leaders Launch Coalition to Advocate for Policies to Foster Innovation in Financial Services

Technology industry leaders Amazon, Apple, Google, Intuit and PayPal today announced the formation of Financial Innovation Now, a coalition that will promote policies to help foster greater innovation in financial services.

Plusieurs concurrents farouches, Amazon, Apple, Google, Intuit et PayPal ont annoncé la création d’un groupement appelé Financial Innovation Now destiné à développer et promouvoir de nouveaux systèmes de paiement et l’écosystème autour.
Leurs intentions semblent relativement louables en mettant en place des écosystèmes de paiement fiables, sûrs et ouvert même aux plus petites structures.

Ce groupement va également jouer le rôle de lobby auprès des législateurs afin de les inciter à moderniser (ou adapter à leurs besoins) les lois bancaires.

Bien entendu, les adversaires désignés de ce groupement seront les banques mais surtout les société émettrices de cartes de crédit qui deviendront forcément à un moment ou un autre des intermédiaires indésirables.

“Innovation is coming to financial services, and now is the time for Washington to help enable a modern financial system that is more accessible, affordable, and secure,” said Brian Peters, Executive Director of Financial Innovation Now. “This alliance of remarkably innovative companies brings a new voice to Washington’s financial conversations, and we look forward to engaging on a wide range of opportunities. Whether it is protecting consumers, growing small businesses, or promoting financial literacy and savings, Financial Innovation Now wants policymakers to understand how new technologies can help solve today’s policy challenges.”

The organization and its member companies believe that financial innovation will empower consumers by improving access to financial tools and services, increasing convenience and ease of use, and helping users save money and lower costs.

In addition, it will enable small businesses to grow and succeed with greater access to capital and analytical tools to make strategic, data-driven decisions, and strengthen authentication and security solutions for everyone.

Financial Innovation Now will promote policies that aim to:

– Realize trust and safety of new technologies
– Leverage technology to reduce barriers and enhance access for the underserved
– Enable real-time payments clearing processes
– Expand the online marketplace for consumer and small business lending
– Unlock the power of financial applications

“The regulatory environment must allow these new innovations to enter and compete in the marketplace,” said Peters. “We look forward to working with policymakers to promote the adoption of new services, many of which are already bringing significant benefits to consumers and small businesses today.”

Author: admin

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