Application number one !

Hello everyone. I just applied for a job. An interesting one.

To work as an administrative assistant to the Brussels office of Jean Paul Denanot French MEP.

This is my cover letter :

Dear MEP, dear assistants,

As a former administrative employee of the European parliament in Brussels, I already know how to work with the administration of the EP and its committees, plenary sessions, mini plenary sessions, group meetings and my supervisor, Pekka Hakala, praised me for my quick adaptive skills. Given the area of expertise of my MEP, Sylvie Guillaume, I am also familiar with the work and usefulness of intergroups such as the disability intergroup. Given my follow-up of DEVE and AFET committees when I was working in the EP and even though I don’t currently work in an EU institution, I am fully aware of the news and actual developments of several committees because, first of all, I sometimes attend them online to find out interesting facts to share to PS activists and secondly because I always keep track of EU affairs through my subscription to Politico weekly newspaper.

PES and PS activist, the organisation, very often, in my European constituency, of training sessions about the EU, the PES, and the European legislation process has always remained an important part of my activism in France. I worked also recently on the tobacco directive and its translation in French law by the French ministry of health. I also participated in the last European campaign in “Région sud-est” with Vincent Peillon and Sylvie Guillaume. Given my prior experience as an editor, I can also do desktop publishing, task planning, managing an important quantity of emails. I often translate EN/FR and FR/EN on my website about finance ( and benefit from a high level of literacy about social networks such as Facebook and Twitter and just passed the first two steps of AST 3 EPSO test.

Given my studies in law (international and European law) and political science, public policies and the role of the public sector are both well-known subjects for me. Limoges city, the department of Haute-Vienne and the former region Auvergne, especially the Haute-Loire are known to me because I used to live there.

Your internship will be a nice experience for me since I would help me to apply for being hired as an assistant to any French socialist MEP or to a foreigner MEP. Feel free to contact if you have any further question about me, you can reach me on my cell phone anytime within business hours and I will be delighted to attend an interview soon.

Looking forward
hearing from you soon

What do you think of my english written skills dear friends ?

Author: admin

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